Practice Problem 4

The following practice problem is aimed to give you some practice with exploring data and running a linear regression on your own using statistical software. You are welcome to use any statistical software you wish and you are also free to work in groups of up to 3 for this practice problem. If you work in groups, please have every member of the group complete the ICON survey.


What to turn in

Please turn in a document that includes any relevant statistics/figures created. You will be asked to complete a graded survey on ICON as part of this practice problem.

Finally, upload the final document to ICON and complete the graded survey.

Due Date

Due around March 18th, 2024. No penalty for late submissions as long as it is submitted by May 9th.


The data for this activity comes from the Kaggle. The data contain 104 rows and 14 columns about possums collected from Australia. A data description for each column in the data is shown below.

The data can be obtained in csv format. A short description for each attribute is as follows. These data are also found within the “data” folder inside the IDAS.

variable class description
case integer Observation number.
site integer site.
Pop character Population, either Vic (Victoria) or other (New South Wales or Queensland)..
sex character Sex of possum, either m (male) or f (female)..
age integer Age.
hdlngth integer Head length, in mm.
skullw integer Skull width, in mm.
totlngth integer Total length, in cm.
taill integer Tail length, in cm
footlgth integer foot length, in mm.
earconch integer ear conch length, in mm.
eye integer distance from medial canthus to lateral canthus of right eye, in mm.
chest integer chest girth, in cm.
belly double belly girth, in cm.

Guiding Question

Does the tail length (taill attribute) explain variation in the total length (totlngth attribute) of the possum?


  1. Evaluate the residual data condition for normality.

  2. Evaluate the residual data condition for homogeneity of variance.

  3. Evaluate the residual data condition of uncorrelated residuals.

  4. Evaluate the residual data condition for linearity.
