IDAS Introduction


This page is meant as a way to give some introduction and how to access the IDAS used for the course.


The IDAS server can be accessed via the following link directly: Access IDAS. Upon going here, you will be prompted to log in with your HawkID. Finally, to use the IDAS, you will need to have DUO authentication activated.

Here is a good link if you have not set up DUO authentication before from ITS. It may take a few hours or up to a day to be granted access to the IDAS after setting up DUO authentication for the first time, DUO Authentication Docs.

IDAS Specifics

The IDAS by default will launch in Jupyter Lab mode and will sync all course materials that I have posted for the course. The syncing of remote materials will never overwrite anything that you have manually edited by you, the student. For this reason, if I notice a breaking change, I usually post a new updated file with a new name.

You can also access RStudio server within the IDAS for the course as well. This can be accessed by clicking on “RStudio” from the launcher page. You should still have access to all of the course files that are automatically synced for you within the RStudio environment.

Shutting down IDAS

When you are finished working in the IDAS, you should go to:

  • File > Hub Control Panel > Stop My Server

This disconnects/stops the server instance so that the resources can be allocated to others wishing to use the service.

Common issues

ITS has established a wiki page for common problems that occur and other documentation related to the IDAS.

Markdown Cheat Sheet

For those that are interested in working with the Jupyter Notebooks for the assignments. I include the following resources that may be helpful.
